We invite you to support our mission by becoming a paying member of qb club’s growing community and get exclusive benefits.

queerbeat’s mission is to build better public conversations about LGBTQIA+ communities through creative storytelling in multiple languages in India. These stories serve queer people by enriching their lives and help reduce societal biases against them.

We keep these stories free-to-read so that everyone, especially people from underprivileged communities, can access and engage with them. But doing that and producing this carefully reported inclusive journalism requires resources—especially money.

We need your support.

You can help us by buying our monthly or annual membership plan.

Join our club!


  • Keeps queerbeat alive
  • Keeps our stories accessible to all
  • Helps us pay queer writers, editors and artists fairly


#AskMeAnything monthly chat with queerbeat writers and journalists
Monthly writing training session by a published writer
Access to our monthly online queer reading circle, where journalists and writers lead a discussion on a book or a long-form story about LGBTQIA+ lives
Have a say in the kind of stories queerbeat covers